
Tweet Cute by Emma Lord, published 2020

  I cannot begin to properly convey how cute this book is. It had me smiling and giggling, I absolutely loved it. The characters were loveable, and I really felt connected with them, like I’d slowly gotten to know them better over the course of the book.  However, I felt like some of the parts were unnecessary and confusing. The ending tripped me up because it kind of went from being a romance to a mystery novel? It seemed like the author started with this really great concept, but laid down some really weird, completely unrealistic plot points, and then went back and tried to fix it. For example, something weird would happen, and then the author kind of used that to fix something else, then used that to fix the original weirdness. It was a bit stressful trying to connect the dots. But, all in all, this is a good book. I liked the play on meet-cute that the author cut into the title. That made me smile a little. I recommend it to anyone looking for a really adorable book. You can

The Glass Spare by Lauren DeStefano, published 2017

            This book was so much better than expected. I’m not gonna lie, I picked this one up because I thought it wasn’t a romance (What? Not a romance? Are you feeling okay?), but the reason one is because when I looked back on all the reviews I’ve written, every single one, except for The Book Thief, are all romances. I mean, what can I say? To quote Chloe from Pitch Perfect, ”I love love.” How cliché of me. Anyway, since this is a romance, I haven’t broken my streak yet. Onto the actual review though, I loved this book. I, the master of predicting the ending of books, was surprised at this ending. Sometimes I don’t like an unpredictable ending, but the twist ending was awesome, unexpected, and had me reeling. I loved the mix of realistic fiction and fantasy. I feel like the author got the balance just right.  I loved all the characters in this book and I recommend this book. I can’t wait to read the next one.

Garden of Lies by Amanda Quick, published 2015

I absolutely loved this book. I might be a bit biased considering it’s historical fiction, romance AND a mystery, but either way I fully recommend it. I was so in the mood for a mystery too, and this one was really great. The twist ending was unpredictable and exciting. You never really knew what was going to happen next.  While this isn’t the most exciting mystery I’ve read, it was definitely up there in terms of quality. It was really well written, and I thought it had the perfect amount of characters. Not too many characters that you don’t remember who everyone is, but not so few characters that the story isn’t interesting. And credit to the author, because she introduced the new characters at just the right time to make them memorable.  Some of the scenes I found tedious to get through, but I know that they were there to show traits and symbolize a few things, along with adding clues to the plot. I enjoyed how the author gave the reader all the clues that the main characters

Listen to Your Heart by Kasie West, published 2018

  So, I was checking out P.S. I Like You from the library when next to it I saw this book. Since I’d read Kasie West in the past, I decided to take a chance and check this one out too. I was extremely disappointed in Kasie West. My expectations weren’t even that high to begin with, but this was the worst of her books that I’ve read. The characters were inconsistent and confusing, and the new take on the classic layout of a love story was choppy and unpredictable. While most things in this book weren’t to my taste, I still found that I was invested in it. I wanted to ditch it, but I needed to know what happened. Sadly, the ending did not redeem the book, it was slow to play out and confusing.   This book had some (and by some I mean a shockingly small amount) good parts, but it was mostly bad and annoying. It was hard to gauge exactly what was happening at any given point or what any of the characters were thinking or feeling. If you enjoy strongly mediocre books, bordering on jus

Her Royal Highness (book #2) by Rachel Hawkins, published 2019

            5 stars. 100% one of the cutest, sweetest romances I have ever read. I have no criticism to offer, this book was literally perfect.  This was the second book in a series and while I liked the first book, this one was even better. I read the first one first (obviously) and I already posted a review for it, go check it out (Royals). The storyline was delightful and I found myself more invested in it.  I’m definitely putting other books by this author on my list. I whole-heartedly recommend this book, and I will reread it in the near future.

Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson, published 2019

          This was a great book. It opened my eyes to historical romance fantasy. The sarcastic crime-fighting trio made this book one of the most unique stories I’ve ever read. The emotional rollercoaster this book took me on was so captivating it held in my thoughts even when I wasn’t reading it.   I ended up reading this book well into the night and through to the morning.The character development, while not something you see right away, was amazing. You just have to take a moment to compare the characters to themselves from the beginning to the end of the book.  The characters, the plot, the writing was all great but the ending was by far the best.  The author did a beautiful job of wrapping up the story as well as all the loose ends she’d left hanging throughout the book until the dramatic climax.  The craftsmanship was amazing in all the scenes, truly making it one of the best books I’ve ever read. I passionately urge you to read this book and will personally be rereading it.

Royals by Rachel Hawkins, published 2018

  This book was better than expected. I only picked it up because I wanted to read the second book in the series (Her Royal Highness), and I figured reading the first one first seemed like the reasonable thing to do. Expectations were low, I fully expected this book to get 2-3 stars. The blurb made Royals sound really bad but I read this book despite that. I’m so glad I did because this book was amazing; it not only exceeded my low expectations but made me want to reread it.  If I had to find a criticism, the writing style seemed to clash with the main character’s personality. I would like a book told from Miles’s point of view but I think that’s a bit much to ask of this author.  The final verdict is this is a genuinely cute, make-you-feel good romance that I 100% recommend. I’m going to be rereading this book, reading the next one, and I’m giving the full 5 stars.